
A Personal Journey Through The Tarot: Death

Today I draw Death and remember those who I have lost. Young and old through tragedy and peace people in my life have died. Without a belief in an ultimate supreme being who passes judgement, I am never left asking why.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 2 of Wands

Today I draw the 2 of Wands and reflect upon my enterprise. I am now ready to boldly go where no one has gone before. I am ready and able to push boundaries and discover something new and wonderful. I am my own captain and will set my own course.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Ace of Cups

Today I draw the The Ace of Cups and reflect upon the source of my bliss. Am I constantly expecting the world to deliver it? Have I spent anytime in silence listening to my own rhythms and tides? Am I gentle with myself when my disposition ebbs and flows?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 7 of Cups

Today I draw the 7 of Cups and reflect upon what it is I want out of life. Can I follow my dreams without dishonouring my promises and obligations? Am I at a crossroads where all things are negotiable? Am I looking at an opportunity to start fresh?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Page of Pentacles

Today I draw the Page of Pentacles and decide to review my budget for the next 6 months. After I take care of my necessities can I prioritize my frivolities? Is there any way I can reduce my debt during this time? If I can not reduce it can I at least not increase it?