A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 9 of Pentacles
For some the overwhelming need for independence is a driving force. Every single life decision is made with the hope that it will take them one step closer to their autonomy. The sense of pride and security that comes from this type of diligence is indescribable, especially if your origins where anything but. Being a victim of an abuse of power just once is sometimes enough to begin this drive to self sufficient independence.
When the goal is reached it is sweet. Your ability to craft a life and home according to your own design is what it is all about. You answer to no one but yourself, and you can sit back and enjoy the results of your labour. If you wish to be frivolous you can be, if you wish to be prudent you can be for you are the head of your household. Congratulations.
Today I draw the 9 of Pentacles and am grateful for my autonomy. My autonomy is rooted in my place of birth. I am an equal citizen here with equal rights to happiness and freedom of expression and choice of life style. From there it has been up to me to craft the life of my choosing. Along the way I have made very conscious choices to hold onto my personal power and not give it away.