
A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: The Hermit

Today I draw the Hermit and reflect upon my alone time. Do I make room in my life for personal quiet time or am I afraid of the quiet spaces and strive to fill them? Can I sit for even 2 minutes without pulling out my phone to distract me?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: The Tower

Today I draw the Tower and reflect upon my illusions. A lot of them come from the culture in which I was raised. Beliefs that limit my potential and ask me to concede to the mundane. In fact; I can make a difference and I can embrace a change. I just need to see the truth of the matter.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Page of Cups

Today I draw the Page of Cups and return to my studio. The void between projects feels like a desert in the middle of the jungle of my creations. While in the desert I will clean and organize until the rains of creativity returns.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 6 of Cups

Today I draw the 6 of Cups and reflect upon my past. No matter how I remember it I remind myself that it got me here today. It is only in the present moment I can make changes to better my life so instead of being a victim of my past I choose to learn from it and move forward.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Temperance

Today I draw Temperance and reflect upon my Balance. Am I in denial of huge parts of my life? Do I have the wherewithal to create the necessary boundaries that will help me manage my resources? Can I be gentle and loving with myself when I stray from the path? Have I created a lifestyle that supports Balance?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 2 of Cups

Today I draw the 2 of Cups and reflect upon my love. I am grateful for the respect and support I have received from my partner over the years. I am grateful for the opportunities of growth and learning the relationship has afforded me. My love has taught me compassion, empathy and patience.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: The World

Today I draw the The World so will stop to enjoy and appreciate all that I have achieved. The work has been great and the results are wonderful. I give thanks to the opportunities that have brought me here and my tenacity to take advantage of them.

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Queen of Pentacles

Today I draw the The Queen of Pentacles and reflect upon the home I am creating for my family. Is everyone comfortable with their needs met? Is this space beautiful and welcoming? As the gardens grow will I show patience while working towards the future?