
A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Ace of Wands

Today I draw the The Ace of Wands and consider my creative expression. Is the day my own or am I giving myself away? Am I able to take risks while still honouring my obligations? Have I distracted myself so much I have forgotten where my passion is?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 8 of Pentacles

Today I draw the Eight of Pentacles and reflect upon my skill set. Am I a Jack of all trades and Master of none? Do I have the patience and will power to focus long enough to become a Master in my field? What does my Masterpiece look like?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: Ace of Swords

Today I draw the Ace of Swords and reflect upon my assumptions. Do my beliefs empower me or limit me? Have I adopted someone else’s attitude without fully examining it? How can I start to imagineer a new reality for myself?

A Personal Journey Through the Tarot: 4 of Cups

Today I draw the Four of Cups and decide to stop punishing myself. Instead of questioning my mood I will go do something else. I will take myself to someplace new, I will dust off the old and make it shiny again.